Friday, May 17, 2019

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

I've been purposefully avoiding posting about politics on my feed for a few months now. I'll comment here or there, but overall, I've tried to refrain. But these abortion bans have me FURIOUS, and I can't remain silent anymore. I WON'T. Consider this your only warning that I will be loud and I will be vulgar when necessary. I'm done with this misogynistic bullshit.

This is not about fetuses or babies or heartbeats. This is about women's rights. This is about MEN deciding what's best for WOMEN they don't know, and more importantly don't give two shits about.

Do you remember the 60s, before Roe v. Wade? Do you remember the number of women who were injured or lost their lives because of back alley abortions? Do you remember the number who became sterile because PROPER health care was not administered? DO YOU FUCKING REMEMBER?!?!?! Well, pay attention because history is about to repeat itself and you pro-lifers will have a court-side seat for the hell that's about to be unleashed with these bans.

Don't come at me with fetus rights. Don't argue with me about the life of the child. If you're not PERSONALLY supporting, adopting, or funding the lives of these children (EVERY child) who will be born into situations where they are unwanted, ill-prepared for, or otherwise, incapable of being cared for, then you have NO case whatsoever with me or anyone else. Unless you have stood at the doors of Planned Parenthood and given a check to a woman seeking an abortion so she can raise the fetus she's choosing to abort, then get the fuck out of my face.

I'm done with all the bleeding heart shit for unborn babies when children are DYING in immigration camps at our borders, when thousands are being ignored in the foster systems, when THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of children are being neglected, abused, and trafficked because evangelicals care more about a mass of cells than they do about living human beings who actually DO need help. And save us both the argument about "well, if you hadn't had sex..." YOU stop having sex. Tell your husbands & boyfriends "Nope. Sorry. No more sex." Why? Because the thought of you raising another generation of anti-feminist misanthropes makes me want to kill myself.

You want to save kids? Raise funding for welfare systems, schools, and mental health so these kids who are born into broken homes with broken families can still move on to be successful in life and not repeat the same habits of their parents. Step up and foster a child. Better yet, ADOPT. Adopt them all! Because until something is done about the kids already here, nothing can be done about the ones who aren't.

This real-life Gilead shit is RIDICULOUS! I've been married for 19 years and not even my HUSBAND has autonomy over what goes on with my body. That right is MINE and MINE alone. If I choose to donate an organ, I have to have my decision in writing, signed by me, and witnessed by a third party notary. So why are people making decisions about MY BODY and the bodies of OTHER WOMEN without our consent? Nobody gets to take my blood without me saying it's okay and that's something that replenishes itself quickly. So why the hell does someone else have the right to decide that another person must be burdened with carrying a child and then be shackled with the burden of raising that child or sending it to a broken foster system in the hopes that if he or she isn't abused, neglected, or sexually assaulted before they find their forever home?

If it's not your body and it's not your baby, then STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE DECISION-MAKING!!!

I will NEVER stop standing up for the rights of women, and this is one of those rights. It always has been. I've kept silent for too long, and to the women I've let down because of that, I am SORRY. I am so sorry that I didn't stand with you at the Capital, or march with you in Washington. I have let you down and that will not happen again. I will argue on your behalf. I will fight for our rights as a gender. I will take whatever steps necessary until our rights are equal to that of men, especially those in suits up on the hill making decisions about OUR lives and OUR bodies.

2019 will NOT go down as the Year of the Patriarchy. You thought I was a feminist before? Watch me now.

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

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