Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"Lent" me your ear, and I'll sing you a song*

The 2018 Lenten season begins tomorrow for those in many Christian faiths. It's a time of fasting, self-sacrifice, forgiveness, and mourning: forty-six days spent reflecting on the past year's actions, sins and losses. Although I was raised in a non-denominational Christian home, we do have numerous Lutherans and Methodists in our family, as well as Catholics. I have often given up things for Lent, but until I became a Pagan, I never really knew why.

My path into Paganism has been one of true enlightening. I've learned more about all faiths as a natural progression from Christianity to Paganism. It was a very conscientious journey for me, and I wanted to make sure that it was what was best for my spirit. Obviously, it isn't for everyone and I respect that. And I thoroughly appreciate those of other faiths who have not pulled me toward what works for them. Thank you!!

Anyway, in learning about the many practices of Paganism, I also wanted to learn about what other religions and faiths practiced. I ventured into Buddism and Hinduism, as well as researching more about the Christian and Catholic faiths. I realized that my beliefs most-closely aligned with Paganism. I found that with all of the organized religions I looked at, I still had many questions that were left unanswered by their holy books and scripture, and when I asked followers of those particular faiths that the generalized response was "pray for answers and they will come". They never did. I needed more, I wanted to learn more. I wanted to know that what I practiced wasn't just an obedient following, but somewhere I could grow and make a difference with my spirituality. Paganism has been that for me.

I don't judge anyone for the God(s) (or Goddesses) they follow, but for me, I have been more at peace than I ever have anywhere else in my life. I feel in control of my life, that I have the ability to influence my fate and the fate of those around me by my actions and mental focus (some may call this prayer), and I feel more connected to my spirit than with anything else I've ever done. I loved being part of our various church families, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed my time spent in Sunday School and on praise team, but I still felt very...isolated...like in some way (or many ways), I wasn't measuring up as a "good Christian". I always felt like I was falling short. I don't feel that now.

As Lent begins for so many of you tomorrow, I will be focusing more on my own faith and my Craft. With me being Pagan, there isn't a weekly service I attend or specific bible I study that strengthens my beliefs or my practices. There are no radio stations dedicated to my appreciation of the earth or stars. And I don't have a priest or pastor to confess my shortcomings to. It's on me to learn more, pray more, think more, and do more with my spirituality. So, while you won't see me with an ash cross on my forehead tomorrow, I do hope you'll send kind thoughts and prayers as I, like many of you, head into a time of renewal and rejuvenation.

Happy Lenten season to those who practice, and for the rest of you, enjoy your Wednesday!

*I apologize for the lame, tongue-in-cheek title. It was the best I could come up with after a long, busy day.