Friday, May 29, 2020

It's a Hate Thing

Dear Americans,

I've got a rant to get off my chest. I've spent the better part of the last two hours writing it, so you may want to get something to drink and a comfortable place to read. You know I can be verbose, so don't act like I didn't warn you. Also, for those who don't know me, I am a white woman in the heartland, born and raised.

*cracks knuckles* 

Here goes: 

Black people are enraged, and white people should be, too. And, NO, Karen...not because Target's getting looted. Centuries filled with oppression, injustice, and violence have taken their toll. Meanwhile, we sit in our white privilege, hash-tagging and reposting memes about stopping racism. That shit ain't gonna cut it. We're gonna have to get off our asses and ACT. 

The KKK and other White Supremacy groups are recruiting in every single state in this country (yes, even yours). They've got this protesting shit down to a science, y'all and nobody in this country is stopping them. Even the president endorses their behavior, for fucks sake! When was the last time anti-racist allies stormed a KKK rally? We *HAVE* to infiltrate these organizations and stop them from the inside. We have to vote for political & judicial leaders (locally and nationally) who aren't afraid to pass & enforce stricter laws fighting racist brutality, and we need to clean out our law enforcement agencies and replace the good ol' boys with honorable men & women of the law. We have to speak up. We have to step in. We have to GET FUCKING INVOLVED!!!

Well, what can I do to fight racism and help my friends of color; I'm white, remember? 

Let me state that I DO NOT CONDONE the crimes being committed. HOWEVER, I understand WHY they're happening. 

People of color have EVERY right to protest the meaningless death of yet another black man at the hands of a police officer. There is no reason for racially-biased violence in this country. It's 2020, for God's sake!. I support their right to be heard and seen - not necessarily the means in which they're doing it, but I can certainly understand the anger, pain, and fear black people must be feeling to get to this point where rioting and looting feel like the only options left. 

But let me remind you of something. When Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem, this country lost its ever-lovin' mind. He was peacefully protesting the violence and brutality against blacks by law enforcement. He didn't yell. He didn't speak at all when he was on that knee. And this country went insane, calling him names, accusing him of being unpatriotic and spitting in the face of our military men & women, accusing him of being racist against name it, y'all did it. He kneeled. We got angry. He got fired. Whitey wins. 

Peaceful protest didn't do shit.

"So what WILL get people's attention?" they wonder. Breaking shit and burning the city down certainly got our attention. But again. We got angry. They're getting arrested. Congratulations, white folks. We win this round, too. *insert eye roll here*

Black people and other POC march in protest, create organizations to improve race relations, and find their voices online and otherwise to try and FINALLY break down this centuries-old race war. They know what needs to be done to make a change, but racist voting demographics screw them out of that option, too. Guess who wins this one?

Some assholes want a White History month. Um, hey Virgil? EVERY month is white history month, you fucking idiot. Think about it...if you've ever sat through any American history class since the dawn of time, you've experienced all the "White History" a person can learn. Our textbooks barely touch on anything to do with race or black history, unless it's regarding the civil war. Even then, there may be two or three pages, at the most, about how slaves were bought, sold and "mistreated". You won't read about the tortures, rapes, beatings,  hangings, and other violence that went on. The historians who write these books white wash it. Literally. You want to read about the OTHER side of history NOT being taught in textbooks? Pick up the book called "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl". It changed my life. And if it doesn't change yours, you're part of the problem. EDUCATE YOURSELF! There are thousands of books like "Twelve Years a Slave," "Narrative of Sojourner Truth," and "Up From Slavery: An Autobiography." Read them. LEARN the horrors that people of color dealt with during those and other times. When they talk about the horrors that went on, imagine your 10 year old self being sold to someone in another country for the sole purpose of being raped. Every day. For most of your life. Picture yourself in their place, being branded like an animal, getting whipped with a leather strap, knowing your children will face the same fate; that is, if they're not ripped from your arms and sold to the highest bidder at auction instead. Step ahead in history a little bit and research everything you can about the movement Martin Luther King, Jr. started. Watch the video of his "I Have a Dream" speech. Read his autobiography. While you're at it, learn a little bit about Apartheid; pick up Nelson Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom." EDUCATE YOURSELF! When you shake with rage at the injustice spanning centuries, only then will you begin to get the slightest glimpse into what it means to be black in this country in 2020.

Let's talk about white people now. I want to remind you of some of the riots throughout history that were started or encouraged by (mostly) white people. We can't act like it's only blacks doing reckless and criminal shit here, people. 

One word: SPORTS. So many white people riot, loot and set shit on fire when their favorite professional sports team wins a championship. WINS?! Philadelphia went ape shit when the Eagles won the Super Bowl in 2018. Vancouver was trashed because the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup in 2011...and they're fucking Canadian! Detroit rioted twice: when the Pistons won in 1990 (killing TWELVE people, including four children), and again back in 1984 when the Tigers won the World Series. Only one person was killed, but there were 9 rapes and over 80 injuries. Boston lost their collective shit four times: twice in 2004 when the won the playoffs after beating the Yankees (one person died) and again a week later when they beat the Cardinals in the World Series; 2007 World Series when they won again against the Rockies; and again in 2013 after their win against the Cards. Chicago lost their minds when MJ led the Bulls to three years of championships. 1991, 1992, and again in 1993 when two people died. Denver lit up their city four times: 1996 & 2001 (Avalanche Stanley Cup wins) and 1998 & '99 with Bronco Super Bowl wins. Cleveland rioted when the Indians offered a 10¢ beer night. They ransacked the field and stole all kinds of stuff. LA and San Francisco have rioted many cities. Over a fucking sporting event. Are you KIDDING me?!

Think for a little while about all the protests and riots white folks led during prohibition times, the labor disputes & workforce strikes, the hell that broke out during the Red Summer riots of 1919 (Google it - eye-opening!.), political protests that pit white people and people of color against each other, and of course all the anti-war protests that have been going on for ages. Don't forget the media's impact on racism, either. During the Hurricane Katrina aftermath in New Orleans in 2005, there were pictures of blacks and whites alike searching homes and businesses for food and supplies. The captions for blacks said things like "NOLA residents break down windows and doors, looting homes and businesses!" Yet for the pictures of white folks, the captions were more like "Dad finds much needed supplies for his family in vacated homes and neighborhood stores". 

Knock that shit off, white people!

I could go on and on throughout history of the riots that white people have initiated for the most ridiculous reasons. And what I've listed doesn't even touch on the thousands of race riots that go back to the 1800's, all initiated by racist whites. Oh! Don't forget Apartheid!

White people throughout history have been FAR more destructive than any other race has ever been.

Oh, don't think I forgot. Michigan State Capitol.. Surely you all saw all the pictures & news stories about the self-entitled, narcissistic, I-don't-wanna-wear-a-mask assholes in Michigan who stormed the state capitol building with assault weapons, hand guns, and even an axe, all because they didn't want to follow life-saving precautions for a few more weeks. Talk about terrorism! And no arrests. What? Seriously, not a SINGLE person was arrested. Go look up the photos and videos of the scene. And instead of seeing 200+ white people storming the capitol, imagine a group of 200+black people in their place instead. That day would have become known as the Michigan Massacre. If half the crowd didn't get mowed down by police gunfire, you can bet every damn one of them would have been arrested. That, my friends, is white privilege.

ThAt'S bUlLsHiT! i'M nOt PrIvIlEgEd! 

Yes, you are. 
No, are. 
Grew up poor? Sorry, pal. You still have privilege. 
Busted your ass to get through school? Privilege. 
Grew up with black people, you know all about their struggle? Nope. 
Your privilege is showing, honey.

It's time we ALL acknowledge and ACCEPT the privilege we're born with as white people. We didn't ask for it. We can't get rid of it. I can't speak for everyone, but I know I didn't want it; I MUCH prefer equality, thankyouverymuch! I wish it wasn't even a thing,  But it is. we have it and it's our responsibility to use it for the betterment of equality for people of color and other minorities. 

Stop being hateful. Period. It's not a black thing. It's not a white thing. It's a HATE thing.

Should I continue, or do you get the fucking point yet??

P.S. If you come at me with any passive-aggressive racist shit, black-on-black-crime statistics, or attempts to justify violence against blacks,, I will wipe the floor with you.