Sunday, January 1, 2023

2023 Intentions

While I've written down my intentions for the last several years, I haven't posted them online. I'm hoping that by doing so, it will help me complete them. There's an accountability factor involved by doing this. Not that a lot of people are reading my blogs these days (I haven't written many, so it's understandable my readers have dwindled), but I hope to improve that, too.

I'm posting these intentions in a general sense, but in my journal, I have added numerous things I can/should do to help me achieve these intentions. I am not sharing those details, but know that they're in place so my success will be more likely.

  • Take better care of my health
  • Develop a workout routine
  • Be the author I know I am
  • Travel more
  • Improve my relationships
  • Become a better homemaker
  • Improve finances and credit
  • Be more gentle on myself

I begin today. Wish me luck!